Employer Engagement &
Sales Training Resources

Learn how to create better opportunities, build relationships and
convert decision makers with Employer Call Academy

A welcome from the Founder of E.C.A


A unique learning platform for people who find jobs, placements and training opportunities for the unemployed.

Request - 107 Cold Calling Tips 

Get this free handy tips booklet [27 pages] specifically for the sector posted to you today


Resources that make a DIFFERENCE

We take a flexible approach to employer engagement development. Our aim is
to be inclusive.

Therefore our resources are affordable and relevant, making it easier to
apply when back in the workplace.

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Featured Courses

How to confidently get through to the RIGHT person

This module will teach you how to confidently get through to the right person using tried and tested techniques that are proven to get results.


Successful Employer Engagement by Phone - BACK TO BASICS

A 7 week self paced, step by step online course that turns you from a novice into a confident communicator by phone. Equipped with the know how of how to find your customers work.

This course is Drip fed over a 7 week period.



How to 'open calls'

You only have 8-10 seconds to grab your decision makers attention.

In this  training module you'll learn what approach works and why, including what makes an 'introduction' more effective.


Meet Audrey

Hi. I’m Audrey Bodman.

Founder of Employer Call Academy site and Outshine Telephone Training & Resources [training business]. I’m also a  mother to 2 boys and 2 very mischievous and energetic boxer dogs!

Know more about your Trainer...

107 Cold Calling TIPS

Receive this handy tips booklet guaranteed to help you get better results from employer engagement calls


What Audrey's Customers say

These testimonials are from Audrey's Outshine Telephone Training clientele. You can find all these references on her LinkedIn profile.

Nik Galanis

Employment Services Team Leader at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

I attended the full day “Telephone Training” delivered by Audrey in March 2021 as part of my role with the NHS. Audrey is an exceptional individual with a great ability to convey complex and challenging information in a friendly, comprehensive and simple manner. I see myself as an experienced person when it comes to doing telephone Employer Engagement and Audrey has given me tips and feedback which has developed my practice and led to tangible results for our vulnerable clients. Audrey did not only inspire me to reflect and develop my practice, she has also inspired me to continue sharing this knowledge with my team and therefore make a continuous and long term impact to our clients and service. It is not often that i feel such a great connection with a trainer. Audrey I am and forever will be grateful.

Deborah Griffiths

L & D Trainer at SHAW TRUST

After hearing from an experienced colleague how valuable Audrey's training was, I was excited to attend her 'Creating Opportunities by Phone' course. This 1.5 day virtual training was expertly facilitated by Audrey. I personally have over 20 years’ experience in learning and development and cannot recommend Audrey highly enough. Excellent engagement, individualised learner support and thorough coverage of the theory and practice.

Caoimhe McKenna

Supported Employment Team Leader – London Borough of Hackney

After hearing from an experienced colleague how valuable Audrey's training was, I was excited to attend her 'Creating Opportunities by Phone' course. This 1.5 day virtual training was expertly facilitated by Audrey. I personally have over 20 years’ experience in learning and development and cannot recommend Audrey highly enough. Excellent engagement, individualised learner support and thorough coverage of the theory and practice.I initially attended Audrey’s 30 minute ‘Telephone Training’ call and knew from the first time I heard her this lady knew her stuff. Our team had lost confidence in making employer engagement calls over the course of the pandemic, so we worked with Audrey to create a bespoke training for them. Audrey did not disappoint. She went above and beyond what I would have expected. The team were very happy with the training delivered and I believe it will make a real difference to our Supported Employment Service, allowing us to create more opportunities Hackney residents. If anyone is considering booking training I would highly recommend Audrey, she has great knowledge of the sector and no matter how experienced, everyone will learn something from her training sessions. Thanks Audrey.

Rachel Heyes

Nottingham Trent University – Head of Employer Engagement and Placements

Audrey delivered a fantastic tailored telephone training programme for the business engagement team in Employability at Nottingham Trent University (NTU). Audrey’s enthusiasm and engaging approach ensured that key new behaviours have been embraced by the team and our sales performance have significantly improved! I would highly recommend Audrey.

Frank Fallon

IPS Works Service Manager – Twining Enterprise

Twining Enterprise booked Audrey for Employer Engagement - Creating Opportunities by Phone and Video training to support our team of experienced Employment Specialists. Due to current restrictions the training was delivered to a team of 25 of us, over Zoom. The training was expertly delivered and made to feel interactive throughout the jam packed day. Catering to the needs of everyone attending (some do employer engagement regularly, with some that are still developing their EE skills) and using all zoom features, with constant group work, feedback and regular check ins Audrey brought the feel of a training room to the screen!

The team all had positive feedback regarding the content, learning new practical skills through script writing and preparation and confidence in making the call. Audrey was able to direct conversation, allowing the team to answer when they knew the information and giving constructive feedback where needed. All the while regularly checking in with individuals, making personal conversation as you would in a 'normal' session.

Mark Capper

Business Development Manager - MENCAP

Audrey and I have been connected on LinkedIn for many years and she’s previously worked with our team in Oxford.

We recently introduced a new Employer Relationship Manager to our team and they quickly identified that there was a major knowledge gap with Employer Engagement across our delivery teams. Audrey was the first person I thought of.

Audrey worked with us to put together a plan to train 80 people through a bitesize packed and a more comprehensive package the Employer Engagement Champions in each team.

The feedback from our teams have been overwhelmingly positive and we’re enjoying already seen our staff working in a more strategic way when planning their contacts with employers and with how they approach the calls. Staff have also reported significant increase in their confidence in making contact with employers. Audrey is extremely knowledgeable, good fun and I would thoroughly recommend any company looking for advice on cold calling on employer engagement to work with her.

Julia Green

Employment and Disability Service Manager [Northampton County Council]

Huge thanks to Audrey Bodman for our telephone employer engagement training this morning. Absolutely glowing reports from all of the team who attended, some great skills learnt (and re-learnt) in preparation for our employer engagement ‘day’ on Wednesday and a real buzz in the air, which is fantastic for a Monday!! We are committed to providing real and much needed support to employers across Northamptonshire and are so grateful for Audrey Bodman, her support and expertise to ensure we can make that happen.

How can we help you? 

Contact us to talk to Audrey Bodman and discover more about our  Employer Engagement Training and Sales Training services.

  01157 750125

 Mail: [email protected]

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